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My Go To Healthy Meal

Shout out to all the food bloggers out there because taking an appealing picture of food is not easy y’all. Regardless of how unappealing ground turkey can look when photographed, I had to share some of what I’ve been eating the past 7 weeks since I’ve overhauled my eating habits and started working out on a consistent basis. I don’t have abs, yet, but I have lost some weight and inches. More importantly, I’ve gained energy, muscle mass and am feeling stronger by the week. Consistency with my workouts and keeping my carbs at a minimum have been my major focus.

I started with the keto diet but decided it wasn’t for me. Ultimately, I needed more snack options and not being able to eat fruit was messing with my mentals. My net carb on keto was 20g and I’ve increased it to about 80g. That’s taking into account that I’m physically active and looking to build muscle mass. I actually lose some while doing keto which is another reason I stopped. To each their own, you know your body and what works and doesn’t work for you. I don’t overdo it with fruit but adding an apple to snack time has helped.

healthy bowl

My go to healthy meals have been these bowls. This one is a bit carb heavy due to the quinoa, beans and sweet potato but it’s also got a ton of fiber. I dont normally do this many carbs in one meal but I didn’t eat breakfast that day and kept lunch light. Usually my bowl is heavy on lettuce/cabbage with a side of protein.

If you want some great healthy bowl recipes, Pinterest is your best bet. Seriously just look up what your main ingredient is and add bowl behind it and you’ll get great options.

This is what’s in my bowl:

Ground turkey – I just cook one package by browning it on the stove in olive oil with sautéed onions and peppers. I like to add Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.

Quinoa – I’m actually not a huge fan of quinoa. The texture is bleh so I probably won’t be eating it anymore.

Black beans – good ole canned Goya, nothing fancy. I sauté onion, pepper and garlic add a splash of white wine and then add the beans. Let it simmer for about 15 min

Roasted sweet potato – I cooked up maybe 7 small ones. Chopped into cubes, roasted at 415 with olive oil, salt and cinnamon for maybe 30 min or so. I just check them every so often to see if they need more time.

The cucumbers and tomatoes are on a bed of baby spinach and I added some cilantro on top.

Avocado – for some healthy fat

Fried Egg – because why not and for some extra protein

I don’t add any extra dressing or sauces sauces on top but you can find lots of healthy options for those online. I just put olive oil, lemon juice and adobo on my salad.

The best part about these types of meals are that they’re easy to meal prep. I just make a big batch of each and portion them out into my meal containers.

Easy peasy. What’s your favorite bowl meal?

Comments +

  1. Denise k says:

    This looks DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing. Your health journey is inspiring me!

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