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February 2023 Goals Update

I started a monthly goals post and wanted to give a brief update on how I fared. Chunking out my yearly goals into smaller monthly ones makes it a bit more tangible for me and helps make them more attainable.

goals for February 2023

This template was inspired by this post on Instagram. I really liked how she included the second slide which is essentially how each goal on the first one would be achieved. This allowed me to create the to-do list if you will and I came back to the post several times for reference.

systems for February 2023

So how did I do?

Goals Update:

I got half of them completed. Progress is progress.

Gym Goal: I’m still trying to nail down my gym routine. I tried to keep my Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule but working out from 0730-0830 meant that I didn’t get to work until about 0930 and well, that’s too late. Even though my job is pretty flexible and encourages gym time, I still need to be there at a decent hour. I think for March I will go earlier. Which basically just means sucking it up and waking up earlier. My weight stayed steady all month.

Book Goal: I didn’t read a single thing this month. I’ve been pretty busy at work.

Savings Goal: I only added $100 to my emergency fund in February. That’s mostly because I started up our sinking funds for Disney so I’m diverting extra dollars there. Still, every penny counts. I’ll go into more detail on how I set up my savings accounts in another post.

Debt Goal: I paid almost exactly $1k additional off thanks to some brand campaign payments coming in.

Language Goal: I’ve been rocking my French classes on DuoLingo and am on a 40 day streak right now of practicing days. if you’re on the app add me Yamib815.

Screen Time Goal: This one is harder to track since I have to do some math. Noah likes to use my phone in the mornings and just randomly throughout the day so it skews my screen time. I have decreased is slightly but not as much as I’d like so I’m going to carry this goal into March.

Speaking of March, I’ve been so busy that I didn’t post my March goals post yet but that’s coming.

Do you set yearly goals or do you chunk them out to smaller ones like I did here. It’s been really helpful honestly to do it this way and I think I’ll continue.

Comments +

  1. Celeste says:

    I like this approach to goal setting! 2023 is the first year in a while that I haven’t set any resolutions or goals, but seeing how practical and flexible this approach is inspires me to reconsider. You’re making great progress!

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