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The Journals & Planners I Can’t Get Enough Of

I’m a sucker for journals and planners. If there’s a journal or planner created for a specific purpose, chances are I’ve tried it and most likely abandoned it. There’s something about a fresh page that draws me in. Maybe because I keep thinking that it will be the catalyst that I need to finally stay on top of those missed appointments or just the feel of my favorite pen, markers, and highlighters as they glide along the fresh crisp sheet. Whatever the case, these are the ones that I’m currently crushing on:

  1. This simple planner with a cute cover from Target that I’m using for school and daily appointments.  
  2. This therapy journal that I’ve been using to track my therapy sessions. It’s a great tool to remember what I actually want to talk about in therapy, jot down stuff that comes up during my session and reflect on whatever my therapist has me working on. I’ve paired it with this anti-anxiety journal that’s based in Cognitive Behavioral Theory. Will keep you posted on how it’s working.
  3. This $3 notebook that has off-white pages with lines that are crisp and not fuzzy looking (yes I notice notebook lines lol) that I’m using for school. 
  4. This smaller sized notebook for taking meeting notes. It’s pricey but stands up to being tossed in and out of my book bag on a daily basis. Plus I prefer its smaller size versus a larger notebook or pad to jot stuff down on.
  5. This digital ADHD planner that is packed with a ton of useful tools. I like to do a combo of digital and paper planning and this one is perfect for my neurodivergent brain. It’s got a ton of extras and helpful features in it and you can tell the creator took her time making it.

I used to use my Golden Coil planner pretty exclusively but lately have been having issues with the back cover coming off of the spiral. I think for a planner that costs that much, it shouldn’t have that problem. Also, I actually like the larger size of the cheaper $20 planner that I recently got. Overall, I still like the Golden Planner because the paper quality is great and you can make it exactly how you want, I just need something sturdier and, through trial and error, I found that I like a larger, notebook style planner.

There are a ton of journals and planners out there, it’s really all a matter of trial and error to find which one you prefer using. I say stick with whichever one you actually continue to use.

What’s your favorite planner/journal/notebook or stationery? Do you have a favorite peen or marker too?

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