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Back to School Advice

What advice to you give to your kids on the first day of school? Or, what advice would you give to yourself as you were say, entering the 10th grade?

My kids went back to school today and I always send them off every year with some specific advice. To Jeremiah who is 9 and in the 5th grade, I tell him to continue to be kind and helpful (because he already is) and to stand up for himself and others.

back to school

To Elisa, who is 14 and a sophomore, I tell her to be herself no matter what and she will attract people that like her as she is. Pay attention in class (she’s my day dreamer) and try to keep the hormones in check. I also tell her that statistically speaking she won’t find her husband in the 10th grade so it’s ok to not fall in love on the first day of school.

back to school
How is she almost 15 already? I can’t deal….

My advice is just a reminder really because we have convos with our kids all the time about the qualities that they embody and what it means to be a person of character. We want them to be resilient and kind but also assertive and self assured. Also, we want them to know that they won’t always make the right or best decision and that’s ok. Every day is a new day to start fresh and be the kind of people that they would like to hang out with.

Drop your advice to your kids down below or tell me what you would have loved to hear as a kid.

Comments +

  1. Claudia says:

    I wish I heard more that my parents were proud of me. I always pushed to get words of affirmation but didn’t hear “I’m proud of you” until I was well into my 30’s.

  2. Rachel says:

    Great advice! I wished I had listened to my parents when they gave me the same advice, indeed each day is a new beginning. I wish them a fantastic school year!

  3. Lisa says:

    You won’t like everyone, and everyone won’t like you, but that is no excuse to be mean. Always be nice.

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