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A New Year’s Post

I didn’t do many big ticket changes around the house this year. We still have our master bathroom and the office to finish and the kids rooms aren’t yet 100% (will they ever be really?). Most of the stuff id like to tackle are smaller like a hutch in the dining room (this one has had my eye for about two years now) and a console table in the living room. Oh and art, I need more art on the walls.

Truly, the biggest project for 2022 was, and continues to be, myself. I learned a lot about myself this year and started a really difficult journey of unlearning a lot of really damaging behaviors. It’s a process as a lot of them are things that I didn’t realize were an issue, until they were. If I’m being honest, they’ve been problematic, I just wasn’t in the right space to acknowledge it.

I won’t give you the full list (yes I actually wrote them all down) but some that I jotted down were:

not asking for help

taking on too much

prioritizing my feelings

There’s a lot of why behind each one so giving myself grace is also part of the process.

2022 was big on self care and a lot of women, including myself, claimed it to be their “soft girl” season. For me, it meant saying no more, doing more by doing less, and asking myself questions like, “Am I doing this out of a sense of obligation or because I want to?”

Aside from the personal growth, this past year gave way to a shift in priorities with travel being at the forefront. We’ve gotten a lot done in our home; full gut renovations, top to bottom updates, a pool and more. Now, we’d like to channel that energy (and money) to enjoying experiences with each other.

Whether you make resolutions, create vision boards, pick a word for the year or none of the above, I hope that 2023 is easy on you and brings you all the things you need. If it ends up to be challenging then I pray that you find amidst the troubles that may come.

Above all, thanks for hanging out with me and always giving your endless support. It sounds a bit corny I’m sure, but I couldn’t do any of this online stuff without any of you and I hope to continue to bring you great content in 2023 and beyond.


Yami B.

Comments +

  1. Denise k says:

    Really enjoyed spending time with you this year. And thanks for sharing part of your list. I’m working on sone of those same things. Hope your 2023 is really great, Yami!

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